We’ve all heard the terms equality and diversity, but what do they mean? And how does this affect our workforce?
Equality is defined as “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities”
This in concept is that all people are treated as individuals without any judgements being made about them based on stereotypes. This also involves understanding and appreciating the differences between each individual and utilising this to create an environment where people of all backgrounds and experience feel valued and appreciated.
Diversity can be defined as “understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing each individuals’ unique differences.”
Having a diverse workforce allows organisations to possess a wide range of skills, experiences and resources to provide a competitive edge. Organisations that understand the benefits of diversity will be able to tap into a much larger and more diverse pool of talent when seeking candidates. Furthermore, companies will gain a positive reputation and will have a more balanced and representative workforce. This leads to contrasting perspectives and diversity of thought which drives companies forward to success.
Skilled refugees offer a unique skill set and experience, and unfaltering drive to organisations. By integrating these individuals into our workforce, we are levelling the playing field and tackling the stigma associated with being a refugee. These high potential candidates are an opportunity rather than a burden and companies can reap the rewards of building a diverse workplace.